
Broward Bicycle Events Abound in Coming Months

For its fifth year, residents and visitors will participate in and enjoying the Tour de Broward at Miramar Regional Park. According to the Sun Sentinel,
the annual ride, walk and run event will be taking place on the 23rd of February on Miramar Parkway.

During the first three years, the event raised money to help with the construction of Hollywood’s Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital facility. Once construction was completed on this building, officials turned their attention to the pediatric cardiac center. Last year, there were more than 2,000 participants and officials were able to raise close to $400,000.

Who rides bicycles? At least 57 million people, or approximately 27 percent of the population ages 16 and up, according to one recent survey sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation. Our Fort Lauderdale bicycle accident attorneys understand that residents and visitors heavily rely on bicycles for transportation, their health and fun recreational activities. Not only are we quickly approaching the Tour de Broward, but we’re also looking forward to the Bike Scavenger Hunt in March, Bicycle Safety Day, the Markham Park 100 Race and the Road Course Cycling Race. Cycling is kind of a big deal here in South Florida, and so is bicycle safety.

In past years, participants have also been able to enter in a 5K and a 3K run/walk while bikers can enjoy a 50K or a 100K course.

“People were so happy with the route last year that at this point the plan is to make it the same,” said Kevin Janser, a senior vice president at Memorial Healthcare System.

This year, officials will be continuing fundraising efforts for the cardiac center, tying in the event with February and American Heart Month.

For the 2014 calendar of events, visit the Tour de Broward website.

Events like these are important in our area as they help to raise awareness about the importance of cycling safety as well. Over the last two years, the number of cyclists injured in crashes in Broward and Palm Beach counties has spiked, leading to more calls for improving the riding environment for cyclists and better educating both cyclists and motorists. As bicycle riders know, drivers of vehicles typically do not pay adequate attention to their surroundings. In fact, many drivers do not respect the rights of cyclists or understand the rules of the roadway when sharing it with a rider.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were close to 150 bicyclists killed on Florida roads in 2011. Our state recorded more bicyclist fatalities than any other state in the country as we do in most years.

The majority of the bicyclists killed or injured in 2011 were males. The highest number of male fatalities were between the ages of 45–54, and the most males injured were between 16–20. During the same year, the average age of bicyclists killed in traffic crashes was 43. In the past 10 years, there has been a steady increase in the average age of bicyclists killed and injured.

If you or someone you love has been injured, contact Richard Ansara at 954 761-3641 or toll-free at 877-277-3780 for a free initial consultation to discuss your case.

More Blog Entries:
Critical Mass Leader Severely Injury in Lauderdale Bike Accident, Broward Injury Lawyer Blog, January 22, 2014
Broward B-Cycle Rider Safety in Focus, Broward Injury Lawyer Blog, January 10, 2014

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