
Cabana Car Accident in Fort Lauderdale Kills Pregnant Woman

Residents typically fear pedestrian accidents in Fort Lauderdale when walking along a roadway, near motor vehicle traffic. The truth of the matter is that you can get hit by a car in a lot of places, as demonstrated by the recent pedestrian accident that killed a woman as she was in a poolside cabana.
According to The Miami Herald, the seven-month pregnant woman was sitting in a poolside cabana when a car slammed into it. That’s right the car flew right off the road and right into the cabana. It all happened at the Riverside Hotel on Los Olas. The woman and her unborn child, who were visiting from Massachusetts, were killed in the accident. The husband was injured in the accident as well.

Our Fort Lauderdale pedestrian accident lawyers understand that these accidents are commonly overlooked by residents, visitors and property owners. The truth of the matter is that establishments, whether cafes, hotels or storefronts at strip mall shopping centers, have a responsibility to help prevent these kinds of accidents. In many cases, the business or property owner may be found negligent in not doing enough to prevent such accidents from occurring by keeping proper separation between guests and the motoring public.

According to investigations into the accident, it was concluded that the driver was traveling “at a much greater speed” than the 25 mph speed limit that’s posted on SE 4th Street, where the accident happened. The driver admitted to investigators that she did not remember the accident.

It’s not really the speed that’s concerning residents of the area. It’s the lack of a stop sign at the nearby intersection. According to residents living nearby in the area, a stop sign used to be located just a half-a-block from the scene of the accident. Residents also say that the road markings are faded and vehicles may not know where to stop anymore. The whole area’s a mess and everyone’s in danger!

Valerie Pool, a long-time resident of the area, says that speed is a problem in that spot and a stop sign would be the perfect remedy for the problem.

“It’s a perfect place for a stop sign,” Pool said.

Pool says there used to be a stop sign there, and if it was still there, this accident and many others may not happen. Officials with Broward County says that’s not going to happen because a stop sign has not been ordered.

Even after a number of traffic studies, Ed Davis, the Interim Director of the Traffic Engineering Division, concluded that signs were initially removed because they were not warranted in that area. Officials didn’t see a use for them.

Transportation officials and property owners are required to make sure that areas are safe for visitors and traffic. When these measures are not met and accidents result, someone needs to he held responsible!

If you or someone you love have been injured in an accident in Broward County or the surrounding area, contact Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury Lawyer Richard Ansara at 954 761-3641 or toll-free at 877-277-3780 for a free initial consultation.

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