
Broward Injury Lawyer Blog


Cordova v. City of Los Angeles – Suing a City for Car Accident

In any car accident case, an experienced injury lawyer must carefully review the facts and identify all possible defendants. These will include not only the alleged at-fault driver and his insurance company, but also: –The owner of the vehicle (if different from the driver) and his insurer; –The bar or…


State Farm v. Earl – UM Coverage in Motorcycle Crash Case

Motorcycling was just one of the many things original plaintiff in State Farm v. Earl used to love. He also greatly enjoyed fishing, hunting, playing in a local men’s basketball league and playing with his grandchildren. He also co-owned a small construction business, offering custom excavating and sewer services. But…


NTSB Releases Report on Fatal I-75 Crash

The National Transportation Safety Board has completed a report following a fatal tractor-trailer crash in June that happened in Tennessee, but could just as easily have happened in Florida. The driver was contracted to transport a refrigerated trailer from Kentucky to Florida and back along I-75. After a series of…


Sanders v. Sears-Page: Court Orders New Car Accident Trial

The majority of car accident lawsuits are settled outside of court, prior to the trial phase. However, the personal injury lawyer you choose to handle your case should have ample trial experience. Some cases are best resolved at that level, and trial procedures are complex and fast-paced. Although the actual…


Widespread Vehicle Defects Galvanize Government Regulators

For years, it seemed as if the officials with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration were asleep at the wheel. The agency was slammed by members of Congress during hearings on Capitol Hill in which lawmakers criticized the failure to take swift, aggressive action over both the General Motors ignition…


Report: Emergency Responders Have High Rate of Driver Distraction

Distraction is a problem for all drivers. Whether it’s a vibrating cell phone or children in the back seat – there is constant competition for our attention at all times, even behind the wheel. But a recent news investigation reveals South Florida emergency responders may have an even higher rate…

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