Articles Posted in car accident attorney Fort Lauderdale


When a Fort Lauderdale Car Accident is Caused by Brake-Checking

Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of Fort Lauderdale car accidents, and such circumstances create a rebuttable presumption that the driver in the rear was at-fault. But brake-checking – when a driver purposely slams on their brakes in order to scare or intimidate another driver – can…


Police Reports Can Impact a Florida Car Accident Injury Claim, But Aren’t The Last Word

Police and other law enforcement investigators play an integral role in your Florida car accident injury claim. As Fort Lauderdale injury lawyers can explain, a traffic crash investigator provides a credible, unbiased and third-party documented observation of details like the date, time and location of an accident, names and contact…


Legislators Fight to Overturn Florida’s No-Fault Car Insurance Law

Florida is a no-fault state when it comes to car insurance, which means per F.S. 627.736, motorists have access to $10,000 in medical and wage loss benefits from their own insurer – regardless of who is at fault. It also means they cannot sue the at-fault driver for further damages…


Fatal Car Crashes in Fort Lauderdale

When a car crash results in a fatality, and the victim was not at-fault in the accident, the surviving family members may need to consider making a wrongful death claim.  A wrongful death claim is brought under a theory of negligence in the clear majority of car accident lawsuits in…


Faulty Airbag in Rental Linked to Death of Model, Gymnast, Celebrity Girlfriend

Airbags are supposed to help save lives – not take them.  That’s what has Jewel Brangman’s father, Alexander, so incensed about the death of his beloved child, whom he called “my best friend.” The striking beauty was a college graduate, a model and a gymnast teacher. She lived in San…


$20 Million Verdict Against Truck Company for Traumatic Brain Injury

Catastrophic traumatic brain injury is a thief. It steals the remnants of a person’s identity. It takes away the lives they and their loved ones once knew. It robs them of the future they might have had.  When traumatic brain injuries occur as a result of a car accident caused…


Reboulet v. Schlosberg – Car Accident Lawsuit For Spinal Fusion Surgery

A car accident lawsuit trial is slated to begin soon in Georgia, where plaintiff alleges he was strapped with a six-figure medical bill after the crash left him with a fused spine. While many auto accident injuries can be serious, a fused spine is a lasting – and expensive – condition.…


Marshall v. Peter – Rear-End Collision Liability Not a Given

In Florida, courts have established a rebuttable presumption when it comes to the negligence of rear drivers in rear-end collisions. However, this presumption is not without exception, though they are very specific. For example, a sudden stop by a driver ahead isn’t enough to overcome the presumption. The stop has…


State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. Jakubowicz – UIM Policy Ambiguous, Court Rules

Our Fort Lauderdale car accidents have come to expect that most auto insurance companies facing down a claim for damages will take whatever action they can to avoid paying that claim – or at least minimize liability.  One such tactic occurs even long before the crash: It is to draft…


Safety Advocates: Florida’s Lax Traffic Laws Need Attention

Traffic laws are intended to keep order on the roads and improve safety for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians who all share the space.  However, there are questions about how effective some of those laws truly are when when Florida has some of the highest rates of accident deaths by motor…

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