Articles Posted in car accident injury lawyer


Why Those Injured in Car Accidents are Required to Repay Health and Auto Insurers

For those injured in a car accident, the term “subrogation” can seem foreign. Given that it deals with complex insurance benefits and contracts and that such negotiations often occur between insurers and attorneys behind the scenes, most never have much cause to consider it. But if you’re injured in a…


West v. United Services Auto Ass’n – Asserting Bad Faith Insurance

Insurance companies – whether they are dealing with first-person or third-party claims – owe a duty to act in good faith toward an injured person. Generally, though, the duty owed toward an insured is greater than that owed to a third party. In general, adjusters are not acting in bad…


Roddey v. Wal-Mart Stores – Shoplifter Wrongful Death Case Proceeds

Usually, perpetrators fleeing a crime scene will be afforded little protection under the law for injuries they sustain as a result.  However, there are exceptions and it’s important to consider that under Florida’s comparative fault statute, F.S. 768.81, those who are partially to blame for their own injuries can still…

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