Articles Posted in Fort Lauderdale accident lawyer


Florida Motorcycle Accident Lawsuits May Named Loved Ones Defendants

Motorcycle accidents often leave operators and passengers suffering serious injury, facing huge medical bills and the inability to work for an extended period of time. Even so, the last thing many want to do is sue a friend or loved one. What you need to understand is that while you…


Sorenson v. Batchelder – Injury Lawsuit Nixed Due to Misfiled Paperwork

In Florida car accident litigation, it’s not just the facts that matter. It’s the procedural details.  The claim has to be properly stated, served and filed. All the elements have to be there – on time – or else you risk forfeiting your right to assert damages, perhaps forever. This…


Texting With a Driver? You May Be Liable.

Distraction plays a role in an increasingly large percentage of car accidents in Florida and across the country – fueled mostly by the proliferation of smartphones.  We know those drivers may be held liable if they are distracted and cause a crash. However, an emerging legal trend involves holding accountable…


Rish v. Simao – Low Impact Car Accident Defense

Just because a Fort Lauderdale car accident occurs at relatively low speeds does not mean it cannot cause serious injuries. Consider that a typical passenger car weighs about 2,000 pounds. If that vehicle makes impact at 10 mph, it’s going to strike with 3.7 tons of force. Of course, this has…

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