
Broward Injury Lawyer Blog


Families Sue Florida Daycare for Child Deaths in Vehicle-Building Crash

Two Florida families are taking legal action against a daycare their children attended in April 2014, when a vehicle crashed into the side of the daycare structure, killing one girl and injuring several other children. Although undoubtedly one could find fault on the part of the motor vehicle driver who…


Broward Estate Planning Attorney Explains Why to Avoid a DIY Approach

There are copious amounts of information available online about do-it-yourself estate planning. But just because you can doesn’t mean you should, the same way it’s always a bad idea to represent yourself in court – even if you’re an attorney. This is not a leaky shower repair you may be…


Liability When Poor Road Conditions, Construction, Cause Florida Car Accident

The majority of car accidents in Fort Lauderdale are the result of driver error, often distraction, impairment or speeding. However, poor road conditions can be a causal or contributing factor. It’s imperative for injury attorneys examining your claim for damages to carefully analyze whether this may be grounds to file…


Study: One-Third of Young Adults Ride With Drug-Impaired Driver

One out of every three young adults has recently ridden in a vehicle with a driver who was impaired by drugs. That’s according to a recent analysis by researchers at Colorado State University, with findings published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Furthermore, the study shows that…


Does Florida Probate Court Require Families to Pay Decedent’s Debts?

The Pew Research Center reported last year that a record 61 million Americans live in multi-generational households. That’s nearly one-fifth of the population. This means finances of aging parents, grandparents and adult children and grandchildren are sometimes intertwined. This does not necessarily mean that upon a loved one’s passing that…


Broadcaster Excludes Adult Children From Will, Leading to Ugly Public Spat

Altering a will to disinherit a family member is within anyone’s right, though it can lead to conflict. Probate litigation attorneys in South Florida at The Ansara Law Firm know there are ways to minimize the potential for warring family interests or a contested will after your death.  Because contesting a…


Negligent Auto Repair Can Be Grounds for Car Accident Lawsuit

A collision center in Texas has been ordered to pay $31.5 million to a couple in Dallas who suffered serious injuries as a result of a crash exacerbated by negligent auto repairs.  Plaintiffs – husband and wife – suffered horrible injuries as a result of the fiery wreck. These include…


Florida Senate Brake-Checks Texting-and-Driving Bill

Florida has one of the weakest protections against driver distraction in the nation. While a proposal to toughen our state’s anti-texting-and-driving law was passed by the state House and given Gov. Rick Scott’s blessing, the state Senate has reportedly pumped the brakes on the measure, with news outlets reporting Sent.…


Florida No-Fault Auto Insurance Repeal Hits Legislative Road Block

A bill that would repeal Florida’s no-fault insurance law appears to have stalled out. The state senate’s Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee overwhelmingly voted not to approve the measure, which would repeal Florida’s no-fault system requiring drivers to carry at least $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. The…


Florida Lawmakers Weigh Bill of Rights to Prevent Nursing Home Abuse, Neglect

Florida’s Constitution Revision Commission, which convenes every 20 years to review proposed changes to the state’s constitution, is being asked to consider an introduction of a “Nursing Home Bill of Rights,” that would mandate the right of vulnerable residents to a safe, comfortable living environment. Proposal 88 also includes a…

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