
Broward Injury Lawyer Blog


FIU Pedestrian Bridge Collapse Lawsuits Allege Negligence

Following the stunning and tragic collapse of a pedestrian bridge under construction over Southwest Eighth Street at Florida International University in mid-March, resulting in the death of six people killed and several others injured, a total of six lawsuits have so far been filed. It’s likely more will be forthcoming. …


Proving Undue Influence When Contesting a Florida Will

It is an unfortunate reality that some people have no qualms using undue influence for the purpose of obtaining “gifts” from an individual who is elderly, ill or weak. Our Florida probate attorneys have seen these cases arise most frequently in cases involving nursing home residents, elderly parents or ailing…


South Florida Trampoline Park Injury Increasingly Common

Trampoline parks have been cropping up in Broward County and throughout the country, offering children a chance to literally bounce off the walls to burn some energy. They are especially popular in South Florida in the summer, where parents and caregivers need something fun and active to keep kids occupied…


Florida Motorcycle Accident Lawsuits May Named Loved Ones Defendants

Motorcycle accidents often leave operators and passengers suffering serious injury, facing huge medical bills and the inability to work for an extended period of time. Even so, the last thing many want to do is sue a friend or loved one. What you need to understand is that while you…


Amateur Fireworks on the Fourth Leave Man Seriously Injured in Florida

This past Independence Day many went and enjoyed one of the numerous professional fireworks displace across the State of Florida.  However, many others went over to a barbecue at relatives or friends homes and capped-off the night with an amateur fireworks display.  This can be a lot of fun, but…


Time Considerations in Challenging Probate Estates in Florida

In an ideal world, our loved one will have written a valid last will and testament, and when he or she dies, the family will know where that will is and also know who was selected to executor of the estate.  The person chosen to be the executor (sometimes called…


$19M Award For Railroad Car Accident Death Affirmed

A $19 million damage award for the widow of a fatal railroad car accident victim was affirmed in Missouri, finding the circuit court didn’t err when finding the railroad company 95 percent liable for failure to trim vegetation surrounding the railroad tracks.  The appeal from the railroad company stemmed from…


When You’re Left Out of the Will – Probate Lawyer Helps You Fight Back

Being left out of the will of a parent, grandparent or other loved one can sting emotionally, but you might not be completely without legal options. It’s important to discuss the circumstances with an experienced Fort Lauderdale probate lawyer who can help walk you through the possibilities.  Although sometimes there…


Study: Opioid Prescriptions Increase Injured Worker Disability Duration

Many of those who suffer a Fort Lauderdale work injury are prescribed opioid medications to help cope with acute pain. However, a recent study revealed opioid prescriptions have an adverse affect on workers the longer they are used, ultimately increasing the duration of temporary disability claimed by workers with a…


Fort Lauderdale Probate Lawyer: Re-Opening a Closed Estate

Probate courts in Florida have substantial amount of discretion when it comes to the decision of whether to re-open an estate that was previously closed. In most cases, a probate estate is reopened when new assets are discovered that weren’t discovered at the time the original estate was administered. There…

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