
Broward Injury Lawyer Blog


Florida Hotel Injuries May be Compensable if Preventable

Tourism is one of the biggest industries in Florida, with more than 128 million visitors flocking to the Sunshine State last year. A sizable number of those opt to stay in one of the state’s 423,000 hotel rooms. Like any other property owner, hotels, motels and resorts owe a duty…


Cruise Ship Owed Duty to Protect Passenger From Becoming Prey to Rape

A cruise line has a responsibility to know that passengers are at risk of sexual assault, and have a duty to do more when it comes to the protection of minors especially. That was the conclusion of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit in Miami, overturning the…


Can Third Party Be Liable for Wrongful Death by Suicide in Florida?

Florida Statute 768.19 holds that when a person’s death is caused by the wrongful act, negligence, default or breach of contract by someone else/another entity, the estate of decedent can pursue a civil lawsuit against that person in Florida’s courts for legal remedy for death/losses. But does this right of…


Discovery of Florida Trust Documents After a Loved One Dies

Hollywood theatrics have most people convinced there is some type of formal “reading of the will” in which all concerned parties gather around the desk of a wills and trust attorney’s desk to hear what each has been bequeathed. In reality, there isn’t any legal mandate requiring said records to…


Florida Injury Lawyers: New Texting-Driving Law May Lead to Fewer Crashes

Florida’s new texting-and-driving law holds the promise of potentially safer roads throughout the Sunshine State. After years of pushing by public safety advocates – first for the original state texting-and-driving law and then to amend that law to make it a primary offense – Florida has a brand new distracted…


Fort Lauderdale Probate Litigation Lawyer Explains New Florida E-Will Law

After several attempts to upload electronic wills in Florida, a measure approving them has passed and will go into effect Jan. 1, 2020. HB 409 amended numerous sections of the state probate code pertaining to wills.  Florida’s e-will law: Redefines the term “will” to conform to the changes made in…


Florida Truck Accident Injury Defendant Ordered to Turn Over ECM Data

Plaintiffs in trucking crash accidents should be allowed access to the data in onboard electronic monitoring devices. A federal judge has ordered the defendant in a Florida trucking accident lawsuit to turn over the electronic control module (ECM) data on the freight company vehicle involved in a crash that resulted…


Suing Disney for Bird Attack: Wild Animals and Florida Property Owner Duty

A woman is suing Disney World in Orlando, alleging she suffered a traumatic brain injury when a wild, migratory bird suddenly attacked her – a danger about which she says the theme park failed to warn. What duty – if any – do Florida theme parks and other property owners…


Florida Injury Lawsuits are Now Much Tougher With Daubert Standard

The Florida Supreme Court just raised the bar on allowable scientific evidence with its nixing of the longstanding Frye test in favor of the more rigid Daubert, the latter followed by federal courts as well as those in most other states. This will mean additional hurdles, expense and time delays…


FMCSA Toying With Idea of Allowing Teens to Drive Large Trucks

Teenagers are some of the highest-risk drivers on Florida roads. Large trucks are among the most lethal vehicles. Yet the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is floating the idea of a potential pilot program that would give 18-to-20-years-old the keys to big rigs. As it stands, federal regulation limits allowances…

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