Broward Injury Lawyer Blog


South Florida Nursing Home Abuse, Neglect Too Often Hidden From Public Scrutiny, Report Reveals

South Florida nursing home abuse and neglect is too often being hidden from public scrutiny, thanks to a private federal appeals process that keeps incidents of sexual assault, lack of infectious disease control, and absconding patients. That’s according to a recent investigation by The New York Times, which took a…


Dump Truck Dangers: Why These Commercial Trucks Lead to So Many Serious South Florida Crashes

South Florida car accidents involving dump trucks have been piling up in recent years, prompting concern about why these commercial vehicles in particular pose such a serious threat to the public as well as workers. Dump trucks carry heavy, uneven loads and are known to make frequent stops. They’re often…


Can I Sue for Florida Slip-and-Fall Accident If There Was a Wet Floor Sign?

Falls are one of the most common causes of serious injury in the U.S. About 8 million people are treated in hospital emergency rooms annually due to falls, and approximately 12 percent of those are slip-and-fall accidents. You may be aware that if you’re injured in a South Florida slip-and-fall…


“Too Late Now to Say Sorry (For Saying Sorry)?” Don’t Apologize After a Florida Car Accident

Car accidents are traumatic experiences. They can be frightening, stressful, and disorienting. In the immediate aftermath, when you realize not everyone is Ok, it can be an almost automatic response to blurt out, “I’m sorry.” Even if you know you haven’t done anything wrong, even if you know it was…


What if the Driver Who Hit Me Was Not Insured?

Florida motorists take on numerous responsibilities every time they get behind the wheel. One of those is carrying the statutory minimum amount of insurance coverage, or having the ability on their own to cover losses up to a certain dollar amount. Unfortunately, there are far too many motorists who fail…


Mistakes When Dealing With an Insurer After a Fort Lauderdale Car Accident

Following a car accident it’s wise to be wary of insurers. No matter how friendly they seem or how much they insist they’re there to help, an agent’s loyalty is to their employer. Saving the insurer money is their primary goal, and they do it by figuring out ways to…


Study: Fort Lauderdale Pedestrian Accident Risk High

Taking a stroll in South Florida could be hazardous to your health. Smart Growth America, an organization dedicated to pedestrian safety, ranks the Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach-Miami metro area as 13th in the country for the most dangerous to those  traversing traffic on foot. In its Dangerous by Design 2021…


Florida No-Fault Car Accident Law Veers Toward Exit

Florida lawmakers are looking to ditch the decades-old no-fault car insurance law that has dictated personal injury recovery from crashes since the 1970s. As our Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyers can explain, the new law, if signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, will do away with requirements to purchase no-fault personal…


Social Media Dos and Don’ts for South Florida Personal Injury Plaintiffs

Social media has become a ubiquitous presence in our daily lives, making it second nature to share everything from the mundane to the momentous. Those involved in South Florida personal injury lawsuits know that it can be one of those “big things” that can consume a lot of your physical…


College Students Killed in Pedestrian Accidents Subject of Florida Injury Lawsuits

Florida has long held the unfortunate distinction as the being one of the worst (if not the worst) for deadly pedestrian accidents – far too many of those being hit-and-run. As the Governors Highway Safety Association reports, more than 6,500 pedestrian accidents occurred in 2019 – the highest in three…

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