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Richard Ansara Attorney at Law

According to a recent news article from The Florida Record, a resident of an apartment complex filed a civil personal injury lawsuit against the complex owners, claiming she tripped in a low spot in the grass and fell, causing her to suffer various personal injuries and other damages.

personal injuryThe accident occurred in December 2015.  This being South Florida, there was no ice or snow on the ground.  In her personal injury complaint, plaintiff alleged she was had left her apartment to go the building mailroom to check to see if she had any mail waiting in her box.  Continue reading

When a car crash results in a fatality, and the victim was not at-fault in the accident, the surviving family members may need to consider making a wrongful death claim.  A wrongful death claim is brought under a theory of negligence in the clear majority of car accident lawsuits in South Florida, however the statute of limitations to bring a claim is shorter.

Broward Personal Injury LawyerPursuant to Section 95.11 of the Florida Statues, the time to file a civil personal injury for most torts, including a car accident there, is a statute of limitations of four years.  However, in the event that the victim dies as a result of the negligent conduct alleged, the statute of limitations is reduced to a two-year statute of limitations. Continue reading

One of the best places in the world to go boating is in Florida.  In fact, people come from all over the nation (and the world) to enjoy the Florida sun and shores.  One of the more popular activities in our area is boating, for that reason.  While boating can be a lot of fun, it can also be dangerous or even deadly.

Broward Boating Accidient LawyerAccording to a recent report from ABC Action News, Florida leads the nation in boating accidents and boating deaths.  The article first focuses on one recent accident. Four people were on a boat that was taking on water.  It was sinking a few miles off the Florida coast, and they had issued a mayday to the U.S Coast Guard.  Fortunately, for these four potential boating accident victims, the Coast Guard got to them in time, and all four were safely rescued. Continue reading

More Americans have been killed in car accidents in the U.S. than in all wars in which this nation has fought.  When you step back and think about it, that is truly a staggering figure.  However, it is often too easy to just hear this and think of the number of statistics. While it is a very large number, each auto accident is a separate event that had devastating effects on the surviving friends and families of the victims.

car accident lawyer BrowardWhen a loved one dies in a car accident, there is often a loss faced on so many different levels. There is the shock in the wake of the accident that will fade to all kinds of emotional distress.  There are also various other types of loss.  This is what is referred to in our code as economic and non-economic damages.  If you are wondering where you have heard these terms recently, the have been in the news a lot, as our state supreme court has just struck down the remainder of the 2003 tort reform law limiting damages on medical malpractice cases on grounds that it is unconstitutional. Continue reading

When you watch the news on television or look at the news feeder on Facebook or you smart phone, you tend to read about a lot of car accidents.  If you are involved in one, you would say that you were in an “accident.” You might have an injury as a result of this accident, and you would look for an experienced Broward County car accident attorney.

Broward Car Accident There is nothing wrong with the term accident and its use in the English language. But in our legal system, what we are really dealing with is probably not an accident. In a legal sense, where you file a personal injury claim or lawsuit, it would technically be more appropriate to say you were in a car crash. Continue reading

During the George W. Bush administration, so-called tort reform was a hot topic around the nation.  There were various attempts to create national tort reform that didn’t work, but states around the country tried too, and in some cases were successful.  One of those was Florida.

medical malpractice The 2003 bill, signed into law by then-governor Jeb Bush placed a cap of $500,000 on what are known as non-economic damages in medical malpractice cases, and a cap of $1 million if the injuries caused by medical malpractice were what they called catastrophic. Continue reading

In the state of Florida, state statute F.S. 767.04 is the controlling law on personal injury cases involving a dog or other animal bite.   Pursuant to this statute, the owner of a dog is liable for injuries caused by that animal if the bite occurs in a public place or to a person who is lawfully in a private place. This means someone who is not trespassing, so that the owner of a dog would not generally be held liable to a burglar who is bitten by the animal while in someone’s home illegally.

Broward Dog Bite Injury Florida dog bite law differs from other states in that it does not matter if the dog has a history of being vicious or if the owner of the dog has knowledge of any prior incidents of viciousness.  The reason this is important, and included in the statute, is because at common law, it was a defense if the owner did not have reason to believe to the dog was likely to bite another person. Continue reading

The clear majority of car accidents are filed under a theory of negligence.  In a Miami-Dade County car accident where the victim is killed as opposed to being seriously injured, the actual cause of action will be a wrongful death case, but it will still be filed under a theory of negligence.

traffic accident South Florida LawyerHowever, one thing to keep in mind is that the statute of limitations is not the same in wrongful death cases as it is in a car accident lawsuit, even if the underlying tort that resulted in the death was a car accident. Continue reading

While boating can be a lot of fun, especially in South Florida, it can also be dangerous. If there is a boating accident that involves negligence of the boat owner, victims may have a valid personal injury lawsuit.

Broward Boating Accidient Lawyer A recent news article from Fox 4 News discusses a fatal boating accident that occurred in Cape Coral, Florida where one child was killed and another child was seriously injured. This particular crash occurred at around 9:30 a.m. Continue reading

A dram shop case involves a situation where a person goes to a bar or restaurant and drinks to the point of intoxication and then gets behind the wheel of car and causes a drunk driving accident in which someone suffers serious personal injury or death.

South Florida Car Accident LawyerWhile there is often little question of whether you have a valid claim against the at-fault drunk driver, you may be able to file a lawsuit or claim against the establishment that served the person to the point of intoxication. Continue reading

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