Articles Tagged with Florida pedestrian accident lawyer

Florida has long held the unfortunate distinction as the being one of the worst (if not the worst) for deadly pedestrian accidents – far too many of those being hit-and-run. As the Governors Highway Safety Association reports, more than 6,500 pedestrian accidents occurred in 2019 – the highest in three decades. Five states – including Florida – accounted for 50 percent of those.pedestrian accident attorney

As our Fort Lauderdale car accident attorneys can explain, victims of pedestrian accidents have several legal avenues for compensation and accountability. These include no-fault personal injury protection (PIP) benefits, as well as bodily injury liability claims against at-fault drivers/vehicle owners/employers and possibly uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

Several recent Florida pedestrian accident lawsuits stem from unspeakable tragedy: Two college students killed and a handful more injured in two pedestrian accidents near the same area just a month apart. Continue reading

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