
Broward Injury Lawyer Blog


When Executing a Will in Florida, Strict Compliance is Expected

A dispute between aunt-nephew over the validity of their father-grandfather’s half-signed will has resulted in a Florida appellate court ruling affirming state law mandating wills strictly adhere to all statutory requirements – or else they’ll likely be deemed invalid. The case underscores a point of critical importance when planning your…


Miami a Top Crash-Prone City, Holiday Weekend Travelers Warned

This weekend, an estimated 43 million people in America are on the move for the three-day holiday weekend – 1.5 million more than were tallied last year. Memorial Day is one of the busiest travel weekends of the year, and the Southeastern Florida shores of Miami, Fort Lauderdale and West…


Florida’s New Tougher Texting-While-Driving Law May Save Cyclists’ Lives

Florida’s new texting-and-driving law, in effect July 1st, broadens the circumstances under which police can initiate a traffic stop for texting drivers and increases the penalty for a violation. If it’s well-enforced, it may also help in the goal of reducing Florida bicycle accident and pedestrian accident fatalities, which our…


Third Party Not Immune From Park Injury Liability Under Recreational Use Law

The recreational use statute in Florida is one echoed in many other states. With few exception, §375.251 holds that a property owner who provides the public with park area or other land for outdoor recreational purposes doesn’t owe a duty of care to keep that land safe for entry or…


Sibling Financially Exploited Aging Parent? Consult With Probate Litigation Lawyer

You may have already had concerns that someone you know was exploiting an elder relative financially while they were alive. Now that they are gone, it may now be confirmed or you are just now beginning to grasp the full scope of it. Fort Lauderdale probate litigation lawyers know this…


Florida Child Drowning Wrongful Death Lawsuit Alleges No-Fence Negligence

The parents of a toddler who drowned in a retention pond earlier this year have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the owner of the property, alleging negligence for failure to install a fence that would have protected their son and prevented his drowning. A Fort Lauderdale wrongful death attorney…


Florida Injury Lawsuit Tort Reform Bill Would Cap Pain & Suffering Damages

State lawmakers are weighing a bill that would reimpose caps on non-economic damages in all Florida injury lawsuit and damage claims, limiting plaintiffs to $1 million for damages like pain and suffering and loss of consortium. Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyers know such caps were already struck down as unconstitutional…


Helmeted Cyclists Still Suffer Injury in Fort Lauderdale Bicycle Accident

Numerous studies have established that bicyclists who wear a helmet are less likely to suffer serious head trauma. However, this is in comparison to those who wear no helmets. Truth is, you can sustain a traumatic brain injury if you’re involved in a crash while wearing one. Recently, a group…


Estate Lawyer Answers: Can Adult Children be Disinherited in Florida?

Sometimes family relationships don’t always go the way we hoped. Although the emotional fallout of this can be messy enough, Fort Lauderdale estate lawyers know it can get even dicier when it comes to the question of inheritance – or disinheritance. The fact of a biological tie is not necessarily…


What Happens if Someone Dies Without a Will in Florida? You May Be Surprised

What happens if someone dies in Florida without a will? A recent survey by the AARP revealed 60 percent of American adults do not have a will and are not planning for the end of their lives. Some of this is dictated by age. For instance, among those between ages…

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