
Broward Injury Lawyer Blog


Families Seek Damages for Florida Keys Truck Accident That Killed Four Tourists

Families of four tourists who died in a South Florida truck accident are seeking damages in a negligence lawsuit filed in a federal court against the company that employed the truck driver who struck the tourists’ vehicle in a rear-end collision. The impact launched the women’s car into oncoming traffic,…


Florida Shooting Victims File Venue and Event Liability Claims

Florida venue owners and operators and event organizers have certain legal responsibilities when it comes to keeping properties free of hazards that could harm those lawfully on site – especially if they are paying customers. All known and foreseeable dangers need to be eliminated or else warned of so people…


How to R-E-S-P-E-C-T a Loved One’s Wishes When They Leave No Will

No one would dare question the late Aretha Franklin’s claim to the Queen of Soul title. However, claims to the estate she left behind may be a bit more difficult to establish. That’s because the “Rolling in the Deep” singer died without leaving a will.  Legally, this is referred to…


Florida Scooter Accident Risk Higher Amid Booming Rental Business

Electric scooters are gaining traction in urban hubs throughout Florida and the country. Many of these cities have already invested in bicycle share programs – several of them “dockless.” Successes on this front have prompted them to explore other alternative modes of transportation, particularly those that are cheaper and better…


When Siblings Fight Over a Parent’s Will in Florida

Family inheritance is slated to be a major legal battlefield in the coming years, as it is estimated approximately $30 trillion will be inherited over the course of the next 30 years. Inevitably, that’s going to mean descendants – children and grandchildren – will be squabbling over their fair share…


How Florida Injury Lawsuit Plaintiffs Prove “Loss of Life Enjoyment”

A South Florida woman has filed a car accident lawsuit in Broward Circuit Court, alleging negligence resulting in serious injury, pain, disability, disfigurement and something known as “loss of life enjoyment.”  Such damages are typical to seek in Florida crash injury claims, but this last one is what we want…


Federal Court in Florida: Third-Party Sexual Assault Lawsuit Against Cruise Line May Proceed

Cruise ships off the coast of Florida (and elsewhere) have a well-documented, long-running problem with sexual assaults on board, according to U.S. government data that spurred an NBC News investigation last year. Of the 92 alleged on-board crimes reported by cruise lines in 2016, a total of 62 were sexual…


Florida Elderly Guardianship Lawyer: When A Loved One Needs Oversight

The Florida court system allows for professional guardians to be appointed for those who are “incapacitated.” As defined by Florida law, a person who is incapacitated is an adult who has been determined by a court to lack the mental capacity to manage at least some of his/ her property…


Florida Bad Faith Insurance Verdict Against Auto Insurer Affirmed

A $3 million Florida bad faith insurance claim was affirmed recently by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, which found the auto insurer refused to tender its $250,000 policy limits to a plaintiff, even though it was well-established her injuries were clearly in excess of that.  As…


Auto Insurers Allege PIP Fraud After Florida Crashes, Highlighting Ongoing Battle to Scrap It

Florida’s no-fault auto insurance coverage – also known as personal injury protection (PIP) – is controversial and the subject of ongoing legislative debate. Earlier this year, as reported by, a bill to repeal Florida’s no-fault auto insurance died in committee. Lawmakers haven’t given up on the prospect of reintroducing…

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